Never read this until today ... I have a family genealogical website myself, and yep, my favorite responses are from ladies (?) like Lisa here, who have yet to figure out that is NOT (and has never claimed to be) the end-all of genealogical information, but a tool that you can use to create your own Family Tree, along with many other tools that are available to you. Of COURSE it may not be correct - I've seen State and Federal records so messed up I figured the census taker had gone deaf or something. It's up to YOU, Lisa, to do your research, or politely make the corrections you feel need to be made - instead of jumping up and down and squealing like a stuck pig that has wrong information in it. I had one stupid woman like Lisa send me an e-mail about an error in a family group (data courtesy of a book written in the 1890's) in which she started off shrieking that it was "cruel" of me to list a child of her great grandmother that she KNEW her great-grandmother never had, and obviously, I was out to ruin the woman's reputation when she wasn't alive to defend herself, and she was going to sue!!! (I sat there and stared at the e-mail thinking, "Wow. Somebody went off her meds ..."
I'd feel bad for the poor Ancestry customer service rep who had to deal with Lisa, were I not so irked at their inserting pop-up ads all over the place. You can barely maneuver your way around their site as it is, even with a pop-up blocker. Of course this site does the exact same thing (double red-underlines every other word) - so I'm not sure why I bother even complaining anymore.