Definitely off-topic, but-anyone interested in adopting a sweet, young, male black cat? I need help. [View all]
I seem to be a cat magnet. This young fella showed up at my place of work yesterday; he is skinny as heck, but extremely sweet. I've seen him on and off for a few weeks (and have been putting out food) but yesterday was the first day he started to talk to me and approached me, asking for a head-scratch. I will continue to feed him but at this moment I am literally without a place to live so I can't take him in and I can't foster him. I have places to stay - so I will be fine - but I have no capacity to care for him the way he needs to be cared for - I have to focus on getting a place of my own. (Our landlord sold the house we rented pretty much right out from under us and I have my own pets and was not able to find a place that will take them and me in the amount of time we had to vacate). I do have resources to get my own place - but just have not had enough time yet to do so.
He's going to be big, once he fills out. He was probably born this spring. He's mostly black, with white whiskers, white toes, and a white bib on his chest. A little skittish because I think he's had to survive on his own, but NOT feral. He wants a home. I'm checking in with the resources near me (north-western Virginia) but I've had pretty good luck with cat lovers here on DU before.
Please drop me a PM or reply to this message if you are interested or know someone who is. I do have photos that I can email - but at the moment I don't have photobucket or any other place to upload photos to put into this thread.
Thanks for any assistance.
(This will be cross-posted in a few other forums).