We're planting trees! [View all]
They are tiny bare root seedlings from the Arbor Day Foundation they we got as a "gift" for donating money. They sent us:
3 white dogwoods
3 redbuds
2 Washington hawthornes
2 crabapples
+ "not trees" - 2 crape myrtles.
We're scattering them around the house, some along the driveway, some on the south side for a screen, and a grouping on the north side in front of the house.
When we first bought this farm we planted several thousand bare root seedlings - dogwoods, Southern red cedar, loblolly pines, and sawtooth oaks. Most of them survived and still growing. But that was almost forty years ago. About thirty five years ago we planted a bunch of sycamores and they are seriously huge and impressive.
We haven't planted many trees since - a few living "Christmas" trees, and an American holly for the front yard of the new house. The "Christmas" trees and holly were large when we planted them, unlike the bare root trees. So it is exciting to be planting these tiny little twigs and planning for them to get big.
I hope I live long enough to see these flowering trees reach their full maturity!