But now, they've all left the nest
so I gots lotsa room! Seriously, I kept it going for years though. But when I moved my 93 year old grandfather in with me to take care of in his final months, I let it all go. Priorities. Alzheimers = full time attention. He was my priority while he was alive. We had almost a year of westerns and chocolate cake together, irreplaceable time!
Since I got chickens, my outside gardening has took a bad hit. Little buggers eat everything! I need to get those carpentry skills cracking on a big coop so I can get to planting again! Plant any thing and they just say "for moi?" and dive in.
Come May 1st, imma gonna start dabbling with the AVs again. I never made a lot reselling, but it helped with the electric bill. Those plant lights added up. I got real good at building plant shelves - growing vertically. Who knew, I got carpentry skills!
Funny story ... had a cop knock on my door, looking for a neighbor. He was drawn to the plant lights, and joked about me being a "grower". He went home with a box of babies for his wife. Yes, we dealers love to spread the plant crack!