Glad to hear you brought yourself one. Hope you enjoy. My trick in prolonging the blooms (afterward each bloom) is to cut back (beneath the dying flower) to just above the prior 5 leaf clump. This will keep the blooms coming (new shoots will sprout out from above the cut). I do this pretty regularly so the rose bush keeps putting out flowers:
rose branch ===> flower
rose branch ===> old flower, dying
rose branch ===> clump of 5 leaves //// this is where you have cut the old dead flower
rose branch ===> clump of 5 leaves //// new shoots!!
And I cut above all clumps of 5 leaves. I'm sorry I can't take or find a pic quickly, but I have had lots and lots of flowers and neighbors admiring. Simple to do. Lots of sun, don't overwater or get water on the plant itself, maybe fertilize occasionally (I usually didn't worry about too much, soil where my roses were was undisturbed for a while, so soil had a chance to rebuild until I moved in.
Don't let mulch around the base of the rose plant pile up against the plant stem. Keep area around stem free of mulch and allow plant to 'breathe'.
Climbing roses? Eh, almost too much to prune constantly, it keep growing and growing and growing. I ended up taking it out because it was sprawling all over the place.
Good luck w/ your rose(s) and enjoy. I did, when I had (we took them out due to reconstruction going on) and take care.
Good luck and enjoy!!