I have a very sh***y problem! I need some advice [View all]
And don't start with killing the cat, that was my idea. Okay, here goes.
My true love has been in and out of the hospital for about 3 years now!! I know, it's a horror show; but that's not the problem here (it is in another area) but because I have had to be with him as his advocate during each of his hospital stays, friends and professional animal caregivers have been filling in for us, the house has been in a state of chaos during this time.
During the last home stay, we decided that we were so glum, we needed a distraction; sooo, we got 2 brother kittens. It was a perfect answer, they keep us laughing and cuddling, and I'm so happy they're in our life. Other than they exist, they aren't the problem here. It's Picabo, the cat who was raised by raccoons before he came to live with us.
Several years ago, we rescued our older cat, Picabo (he absolutely lives up to that name and most people have no idea he lives here, he hides so well.) So this last incident, Mr. WT had a fall (he has orthostatic hypo tension) that was devastating; he broke his neck and fractured the fibula in his right leg. Fortunately, (he has great karma) he wasn't paralyzed anywhere. It could have been catastrophic with him being paralyzed from the neck down!!! But no! Thank all the goddesses and gods. He had neurosurgery to repair c7/t1, and he could have been discharged the next day, except for his fractured leg. So off to rehab he went.
Now, the problem began during the hospital stay. Our sweet neighbor came and took care of the pet feedings a couple of times a day. During this time, Picabo started pooping on a sofa in the sitting room. I would come home late at night and find poop. I started covering the sofa with puppy pads, which he crunched it up and pooped on the sofa. But now! He is pooping in the tv room sofa (it's only a couple of years old) on the place where I sit. I covered that, and he pooped on the covering and crunched it up to make sure he got the sofa too. This has been going on for the past week. I'm at my wits end.
Other than tying a rock around his neck and dropping him in the pond, what can I do? Any suggestions? I have the carpet cleaners coming in a few days and will have them clean the sofa cushions at the same time, but I'm afraid he will just poop all over the newly cleaned sofa cushions. Help!