Interesting Historical Photos [View all]
During the Great Depression, millions of people were out of work across the United States. Unable to find another job locally, many unemployed people hit the road, traveling from place to place, hoping to find some work. A few of these people had cars, but most hitchhiked or rode the rails. A large portion of the people who rode the rails were teenagers.
This is the last public execution by guillotine, not the last execution by guillotine. In fact, the guillotine was the only mean of execution that the French republic has ever known, the device has been in service from 1792 to 1977.
Joe ODonnell, the man who took this photo at Nagasaki, was sent by the U.S. military to document the damage inflicted on the Japanese homeland caused by air raids of fire bombs and atomic bombs. Over the next seven months starting September 1945, he traveled across Western Japan chronicling the devastation, revealing the plight of the bomb victims including the dead.
While part of every candidates retinue, security was simply not the pressing public concern in 1960 that it would suddenly and necessarily become within a few short years.
There are a few dozen more, almost random, at the link.