US Senator Wyden: Why I had to halt FBI's latest internet spying push [View all]
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US Senator Wyden: Why I had to halt FBI's latest internet spying push
28 Jun 2016 at 23:59,
US Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has placed a hold on the 2017 Intelligence Authorization Bill because it would allow the FBI to snoop on people's browser histories without a court order, and weakens oversight of the intelligence community.
The bill as it stands would allow the Feds to use National Security Letters (NSLs) which don't require a court order to monitor a suspect's internet activity, including which websites they visit and how long they stay on them...
..."When the Intelligence Committee considered this bill last month, I voted against it," he said on the Senate floor.
"While I respect the effort that the distinguished Chair and Vice Chair of the Intelligence Committee have put into drafting this year's bill, it would dramatically and unnecessarily expand government surveillance authorities, and it would undermine independent oversight of America's intelligence agencies. So I have objected to this unanimous consent request."