F-35 Parts Problems At Heart Of Low Readiness Rates: GAO [View all]
F-35 Parts Problems At Heart Of Low Readiness Rates: GAO
By Colin Clark
on April 25, 2019 at 6:13 PM
WASHINGTON: The F-35 program has faced enormous challenges over the years, but the biggest today is particularly intractable: The program simply cant keep the flow of parts moving around the world in the numbers and places necessary.
How bad is it? F-35 aircraft performance is falling short of warfighter requirementsthat is, aircraft cannot perform as many missions or fly as often as required. This lower-than-desired aircraft performance is due largely to F-35 spare parts shortages and difficulty in managing and moving parts around the world, the Government Accountability Office said in a compelling report today. F-35 aircraft were unable to fly nearly 30 percent of the May-November 2018 time period due to spare parts shortages. Also, the Department of Defense (DOD) had a repair backlog of about 4,300 F-35 parts.
Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis established a goal of 80 percent readiness for all US tactical aircraft. Lockheed Martin has pledged to meet that goal and is pouring $180 million of its own money into the computerized system known as ALIS meant to make to F-35 planning and parts management more efficient but actually an albatross for maintainers and aircrews to bring things back on track.
Meanwhile, the Joint Strike Fighter program has built a system to supply the US and allies with parts, but it just doesnt the job well enough, the GAO found. DoD purchases certain sets of F-35 parts years ahead of time to support aircraft on deployments, including on ships. But the parts do not fully match the military services needs because F-35 aircraft have been modified over time. For example, 44 percent of purchased parts were incompatible with aircraft the Marine Corps took on a recent deployment. (Emphasis ours).
And things may not get much better for a while: Without a detailed plan for the network, DOD may not be ready to support an expanding fleet.