Seth Freed Wessler wrote a scathing indictment of the current ICE/US Marshals detention centers health care system. The article is titled "Marshals Law: A Massive Federal Detention Empire is Flying Under the Radar - And So Are the Deaths On Its Watch." The 12-page expose was horrifying. Wessler reports in graphic detail just how barbaric the medical care at these facilities can be, and how the US Marshals evade any accountability for what happens to these INNOCENT men (He did not review womens' centers.). Many of the detainees have committed NO crime, have NOT been charged with anything yet are locked up in these shit holes - denied even basic medical care with catastrophic results.
The US Marshal service does not operate prisons, yet they spend over $1.5 BILLION on detention, spending taxpayer dollars to prop up derelict jails and corrupt, brutal deputies. "Pencil whipping" the logs is a common practice. So are savage beatings. They provide the cover of clean inspection reports for even the worst places. They look the other way, essentially allowing the jails to do whatever they will. They operate with an attitude of indifference.
This report sickened me. Every member of Congress should be forced to read it. Then tour these facilities. People are dying from treatable conditions, neglect and sadistic jailers. The private prisons (run by GEO Group and CoreCivic) are the worst, and should make the case for prohibiting them from receiving taxpayer dollars.
What an eye-opened. And a stomach churner.