As a vet who deals with severe PTSD and has attempted suicide in the past, I dont know what could be done to cure me of the suicidal ideation thing.
Maybe a lobotomy would work, but I might be a little leery about that option.
You cant unsee or forget certain things. Guilt and feelings of shame surround my memories of Iraq and Im constantly reliving events over and over either in the form of flashbacks, intrusive thought or memories or in dreams and nightmares when I sleep.
Medication can and does help, but it doesnt make it go away. You can only say and hear so much from counselors and groups. After a while theyve done all they can for you and you become stuck living with this stuff for the rest of your life.
Perhaps instead of spending money on treatment, I think they should just build a big compound for us crazy vets, fill it with all sorts of buffets and food, stock it with alcohol and drugs, and send a bunch of prostitutes there for the crazy vets to party with until we drop dead. Thats something Id go for!