I have to face the fact that I cannot "let nature take its course" [View all]
iow, I'm some kind of coward or control freak or something.
This morning, I drove out to the gate to fetch my dog and saw a cat crawling on her front legs away into the brush. The dog went into the truck and I tried to figure out what was going on.
The cat wasn't bleeding but her hind quarters were not working. She called out to me a couple of times, more as a protest ("don't hurt me" than anything else. At first I thought she had been hit by a car but now am wondering if this cat hadn't been crawling around here somewhere for a while.
We called Animal Control to pick her up as there was no way to catch her or hold her once she was caught. They will probably put her down. The AC guy at first didn't want to go into the gully or the brush to try to net her and said, sometimes we just have to let nature take its course. But he did flush her out into the open and caught her easily. I guess at least, when they put her down, it will be better than being eaten by a coyote.
I suck at this.