Happy 4th... I planted my *Victory Garden* today [View all]
or maybe I should call it my *Occupy Garden*
just used the back corner of my yard, a space about 10'x5'.... 6 rows wide, and 4 rows diagonally partial shade for lettuce... peppers, cauliflower, zuchini, broccoli, and bush beans... since there is a small "hill" behind the plot, I dug some tiers into the side for potatoes and onions. Sprouting those in the pantry as we speak...those are so easy, they will grow in anything, thank goodness.
Living in high altitude is a challenge. The soil is decomposed granite and very sandy, it took 2 bags of topsoil and another bag of compost and about 4 weeks of turning the soil to get it rich enough to plant. not to mention we actually had a cold snap last week so I am glad I waited to plant. Most will harvest before 60 days, the brocoli and cauliflower like the cold so it's okay if they finish in the fall....
Last year the snow was so deep I couldn't even think of planting, took what little i had back there and plowed it under and gave up...so this year it was definitely like starting from scratch.
It's such a science experiment! I never know how it is going to happen or if it will work. I *DO* know I am sore and was sweating like a MAN out there.... but it's the good kind of sore, makes the beer & BBQ that much better. I am avoiding the tourist traps today, staying home and relaxing and dreaming about how nice it will be to have veggies for my kids and KNOW they are clean and free of genetic tampering...
wish us luck!
If I can figure out how to post a picture, I'll show you the sprouts when they come!