That's the real issue - being able to sell to retail customers. The right to sell your produce. Here in TN we are required by law to wash eggs. My mother, who use to work on a huge egg farm in Maryland many years ago, said she never washed and egg in her life. But here in TN we have to wash our eggs in order to sell them. Not only that but we had to have a special egg washing room to wash the eggs in. A dedicated special room for a totally unnecessary act. And one of the requirements was that you couldn't have any goldfish in the house that the special egg washing room was in. We regularly failed our inspection of our special egg washing room because our wall surfaces were not easily cleanable, or the floor need vinyl or tile and not concrete, and because we had my daughter's goldfish in her bedroom upstairs, 3 floors away from the special egg washing room. Thank God they repealed that stupid law.
But now they have created a new stupid law. You have to have a special room for the freezer you are going to put meat in. We get our meat slaughtered, vacuum packaged and flash frozen at a USDA inspected slaughtering house. We pick up the meat and temporally store it in a freezer. But Now you have to have a special room to put a freezer in that will hold meat that you will take out of that freezer and put into a cooler and take to the market to sell. We are currently working at building a special room to put a meat freezer in. Now we know the walls have to have cleanable surfaces (not wall paper). We know the floor can't be concrete and we just wont tell the inspector about the goldfish 2 floors up. All of this costs us $59 every year plus the cost of building a special meat freezer room.
Here in TN the local government is constantly putting up barriers to prevent farmers from selling their produce at retail prices. I guess Wally World is getting nervous.