Who to contact about drug prices [View all]
After my stay in the hospital last month, I was prescribed four new (to me) medications, two of which are name brand with no generics.
The hospital had a new pharmacy program where they could give you your prescriptions before you were discharged - I did that and have not received a bill for those medicines. But when I got refills through my regular pharmacy, the two name brand prescriptions were over $500 each!
So I looked and both companies had coupons to get the first 30 days worth for free - one also had discounts for further scripts. Took those into my pharmacy - no go. Since I am on a "federal" plan - Medicare - they could not apply the coupons.
WTF! So old people on Medicare do not have the same rights to get a discount as anyone else?!!!
I'd contact my Congressman or Senator, but I'm in Florida and with DeSantis' gerrymandering, my Democratic Congressman was done out of his district. The last time I contacted the Republican Congressman, he added me to a Republican fund raising list and it took me months to get off of it (got so I was thanking them for reminding me to donate MORE to Democrats).
I know Joe Biden has worked to reduce drug prices so who in his administration can I contact about this?