He's got severe memory loss, tho not Alzheimer's. He's 72. and he's always been the most trusting man in the world. Being a woman, I've grown up naturally wary... cynical around people, especially men. But he is so naive and ready to help in any way he can to any sob story. Me... I'm that way just with critters.
This is what's made me so mad about this. He was in such a state when I got up. I just got him home 2 weeks ago from a major heart attack. He didn't need all that adrenaline and other stress hormones pumping through his system. My first and follow on thoughts are how DARE they do this to him! I want to bash someone's head in for these things. It's not just the danger to our bank account (tho we've got little enough in there... still it would hurt!). It's a danger to sparking a stroke or a heart attack in him, as well as just putting him through all that worry. He doesn't deserve it. And these people shouldn't be able to do it to anyone else, either.
I've got my Mom in a memory care home right now. I worry what's going to happen if I follow her side of the family? What if I really start losing MY marbles! How am I going to keep both me and hubs out of trouble?! It just seems like they're gunning for us. Something REALLY has to be done. I can only think of starting with my state. But we've got Kris Kobach as AG. He'll probably help them hone their letter so it doesn't seem so obvious to people like me! (grrr) But the BBB should probably have an office here, I'd think.
First, because they were SO careful NOT to mention WHICH Home Warranty company it is in this letter, I want to call and find out. Also get any more info that I can give to any PTB that would listen to me. I need a bone to chew for a while, anyway... anything else would probably get me in trouble with the cops! (LOL)