Yes, Big Pharma does bad things, but they have also done very good things. The problem isn't the drugs themselves; it's the greed. Greed is what nakes them jack up process the way they do, and greed is why companies resist pulling drugs that turn out to have dangerous side effects off the market, until the cost of lawsuits starts eating into the profits too much. And on and on.
I don't know how to fix the problem of greed, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. Without the drugs developed by Big Pharma, my allergies and asthma would be just about unbearable. Without antidepressants, I might not be alive today, because my history is such that there's a greater than 99% chance that, without these meds, I would have continued to have repeated major depressive episodes through my life like the ones I had when I was younger and didn't know why I felt so lousy. Untreated, those episodes would have continued to recur over and over, likely getting worse and worse, and I think we all know where that can lead.
I'm not defending any of the truly awful things Big Pharma has been guilty of. There are a lot of things that need to change, but just condemning Big Pharma and saying it's nothing but evil is NOT the answer. I know for a fact that products developed by "evil" Big Pharma have made my life more worth living, and I also know for a fact that it has made the lives of lots of other people I know more liveable.
There are problems with Big Pharma for sure, and those problems need to be addressed, so let's do that. But we can do that while still appreciating the products these companies make that really do help people, and making it possible for worthwhile things to continue be done.
Imo, the answer to what's wrong with Big Phatma is to fix Big Pharma. Just saying "Fuck Big Pharma" acomplishes nothing.