Those rebel flags are aimed at you. [View all]
You always thought so, of course. Now I can confirm that it's done, at least in my area, to intimidate black people and discourage them from moving to small cities in rural Pennsylvania. That's right, Pennsylvania, not the deep south.
This comes from someone who knows two individuals who display the "Stainless Banner" on their property. They are disturbed by a number of black women who moved to the area recently. Their theory is it's because Section 8 housing is easier to get, and the overall cost of living is lower than in Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. Of course, children, husbands, boyfriends, etc. come along and this creates the impression the area is being flooded with a wave of welfare families. I have no idea if there is even the tiniest grain of truth in all this. My suspicion is, there are a handful of welfare families, and the stereotype is applied as stereotypes always are.
Anyway, the rebel flags are supposed to scare away black people. It's a very specific, if unorganized, campaign to keep black people from moving here. I guess they figure black people have never seen the rebel flag, and will be so overcome by fear they will drive straight back to Pittsburgh. Or something like that.
Here comes the part I probably don't even have to tell you. They're just fine with welfare for themselves, white people. They think it's fine and dandy when the public assistance system picks up the tab for their drug and alcohol rehab, prenatal services, food stamps, WIC checks, and all the rest. They get pissed, really pissed, when I remind them of this, as I was foolish enough to do a couple times. They're different, not just because they're white, although that's the primary reason. Their families have been here a long time. It's the old, "We built this town..." thing.
So that's the news from here.