that after her fiance was shot, and she was taken to the back of the police car (having just LOST her fiance who was gunned down NEXT TO HER in the car, after he'd attempted to present his ID as demanded by the officer who overreacted and shot him, leaving him slumped down AT HER SIDE with her little girl in the back seat witnessing all of this), that the other officers at the scene were crowding around THE SHOOTER, and comforting HIM, rather than looking to comfort or reassure or try to help her. Dear God, SHE was the one who needed the help and support and comfort! The officer should have immediately been disarmed and taken into custody!
He doesn't need comfort!!! He needs justice served! He needs a pair of handcuffs on him. He needs to be facing justice. That cop needs to have his gun privileges and his badge taken away for the rest of his life. And he needs to pay for what HE DID!!! His kind of individual has no business in that kind of job where he can't control himself and is so damn trigger-happy and itchy-fingered!!!
Made me think of the cop who was dismissed from another police job because of his own itchy fingers and failure of any self-control, as I've read, and somehow, incomprehensibly, found his way ONTO the Cleveland police force where he wound up shooting that CHILD, Tamir Rice. That little boy in the park. TWELVE YEARS OLD. Who was gunned down without any thought or hesitation. Just SHOT. AND KILLED. Shoot first and don't even bother asking questions. Horrifying. Dismaying.
"In the aftermath of the shooting, it was reported that (Timothy) Loehmann, in his previous job as a police officer in the Cleveland suburb of Independence, had been deemed an emotionally unstable recruit and unfit for duty.[19] The incident received national and international coverage, in part due to the time of its occurrence, coming shortly after the police shootings of several other black males."
The agony is overwhelming. And I'm just a bystander here in L.A. But if I could get there, I'd be standing with that grieving mom and girlfriend. ANOTHER grieving mom. How many more???????????
And O.M.G. what do I see when MSNBC cuts to commercial? Oh great. A promo for a new Jason Bourne movie with guns and guns and explosions and mayhem and guns and more guns.
And more guns. And more mayhem. And more explosions. And more gunfire. And more glorified violence on the big screen. Hey, THAT'S what we need...
God Bless America...