Someone reached out to me and I thought I'd post it here ... [View all]
I seldom get to listen to KPFT Pacifica Radio out of Houston. Yesterday I followed my niece as she drove her disabled car 150 miles. A good part of that was in KPFTs range. I heard a program called "Conscience Mindset" hosted by Brother Evans. The show was about the killing of an African American man named Albert Braziel near Cullen and SH288 but 2 Houston cops. Mr. Braziel is said to be a felon and was carrying a gun. Regardless of those facts it is not clear that the HPD officers needed to use deadly force. In the show other guest appeared incluidng a former (I assume) African American woman officer who started an organization, I don't really have the name right, that attempts to allow cops to report on the bad actions of other cops without retribution.
I did a quick google search and found nothing. Maybe someone else knows more. I'm especially interested in the former Officer that started the "tip-line." It is sorely needed.