all remaining charges dropped against police off in Freddie Gray case in Baltimore. I was called a bigot for a post I made yesterday and that post, while maybe a little too real for the sensibilities of some at DU, is truth of how I feel at the privilege many white people take for granted in this society/culture. I know that yes I can be a bigot sometimes and it is anger at shit like this that bleeds into my compassion, reason and logic and makes me strike out at the race that if it wanted to could start ending murders like this TODAY. But 300 years from slavery, murder of innocent black people, men, women and CHILDREN, continues and only because of fear of the color of ones skin and the deep hate that melanin creates in all of the racist assholes that now have a fuhrer with the distinct possibility of becoming POTUS. Freddie allegedly eyeballed two white cops. Did nothing illegal. He died in the back of a steel caged paddywagon. Black and white officers were involvesd in this murder so don't get me wrong, those race traitors are no better than the white racist that initiated this process that ended in the death of Freddie Gray.
Will or can Amerikkka end racism?
I will vote in November and then I am out of here. It seems I fought for racism, hate based on color and now potentially, fascism and not democracy, life, liberty or the fucking pursuit of happiness that only a certain segment of this popuulation in america can take for granted. That is not what was intended by me. I am deeply ashamed of this country and of any PoC that first enables the racist to point and say "there's my AA" friend, voter, loyalist as they continue the generations long genocide against PoC.
I'm done lamenting the hateful nature of american culture/society that continues to grow to the detriment of ALL PoC.