our analytical intelligence, due to the different time-scales of the technological development of different continents and races. The fact of the countless high-achieving professionals from China, Africa and India, many currently working in the West shuld lay that misconception to rest.
The Mayan Indians were streets ahead of us in terms of their mathematics and astronomy, even independently devising the notation for zero as a mathematical concept, before the Arabs, who are believed to have received it from India. But, seemingly due to severe droughts and living patterns, lost interest in affairs of the intellect.
Those with a high analytical intelligence were given that, so that they would be able to help the more endemically spiritual, general public. Their intelligence, the unitive intelligence, which has a notably firmer grip on common sense, is of a higher order, and like Mary of Bethany's contemplative prayer, will not be taken away from her in the next life, while everyone in heaven will have full access to all the knowledge to which here on earth the analytical intelligence is ordered. So, it would be fair to say that the analytical intelligence is actually a degradation of the unitive, emotional and spiritual intelligence in the wrong person.
Given the right environment, like the Jews, the Africans and Afro-Saxons, have both in abundance. But the Jews are a strange category, all on their own, the 'remnant', at least, somehow managing to combine their spiritual grasp with a more than usual preoccupation with the materially-oriented analytical intelligence, to a significant degree.