questions is in order. It is a path I have taken myself over the past year. I wish more people would do it. Every negative conversation I have had about Hillary in the last few months have been with people who were either very ill informed or not even sure why they don't like her.
Much of the animus is personal. Much is a basic lack of understanding how government works. The RW memes are stubborn things, as is the general smears at the entire party Sanders engaged in. I have met many people who don't know who is driving the investigations, let alone why. I've met a lot of young people who believed that Sanders alone could wipe out their school debts and magically do a dozen other great things - all by himself. Sucked to see their faces fall when I explained about congress. A lot of people- all ages -do not understand the problems with congress or the supreme court. They think blaming the GOP is too simple- yet they know little about their obstruction.
We are in a bubble, and the ignorance out there is astounding. A lot of young people got "interested" in politics, but not interested in learning how shit works. They may decide, after learning the revolution can't happen overnight that they want to give up. They don't like how things are but are willing to do nothing now that it is not so easy. Honestly with some I think they just need more life experience to get over their disappointment and inertia. I think a lot of people are completely disenchanted and falling for this "outsider good/ political bad" silliness. They need to take responsibility that they are part of the populace helping the obstructionists and wasting all our tax money at this point. They thought they wanted to help the country but decided to withdraw why? Because they expected a perfection that never existed?
I have friends who think this way and some have a very romantic view of the world. And a pragmatic, incremental uphill fight is just distasteful to them. It's frustrating, but their expectations were ridiculous. Both Sanders and Trump preyed on those with crazy expectations and I see my role as a reality check. There is no Santa Claus. There are only people who fight (mostly) for or against your basic values.