‘I Don’t Wanna Let You Go’ — A Bittersweet Tribute To President Barack Obama [View all]
I think for many of us who love President Barack Obama, its just now sinking in: in just a few months, he will no longer be our president.
As excited as most of us are about making history when we elect our first Madam President, Hillary Clinton, were going to be grieving the loss of this amazing man, one of the most popular presidents in our history.

As liberals, were pretty good at supporting our candidates, even if we sometimes /facepalm and sigh when they screw up. But with Barack Obama, its different somehow. For many of us, he WAS the revolution.
Near the end of his second term, Pres. Obamas approval rating stands at a crazy high of 55 percent.
A meme my brand new niece-in-law shared with me:

A few of the many reasons we admire him so much.
Read More: http://www.liberalamerica.org/2016/10/19/bittersweet-tribute-barack-obama/
There is a video at the link. It was posted before so I won't post again. I just wanted to share the article itself.