"Are they friends of yours?" [View all]
Trump Asks Reporter of Color if She Knows Congressional Black Caucus
Today during a press conference that appeared to be an hour-long rant against the media, Donald Trump fielded a question from April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks about his plans for inner cities, which he campaigned on a platform of fixing.
She asked what his urban agenda was and when he responded that she should wait until he releases an executive order, she followed up by asking him if he planned to involve the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. (Well, first she asked if hed meet with the CBC, but had to break down the acronym after Trump asked her who she was talking about.)
Do you want to set up the meeting? he asked repeatedly.
No, no, no; Im just a reporter, she said.
Are they friends of yours? he pressed.
He went on to say he thinks the Congressional Black Congress is great and hed love to meet them. (Note that theyve claimed theyve offered to meet with him and he has not yet agreed.)