Saturday Open Thread #FAKE #BlacksForTrump 2020 [View all]
My friend Lee Pisacreta was at CPAC protesting and confronted #BlacksForTrump

Lee Pisacreta: Meet the Blacks for Trump 2020. Make no mistake these guys are not just paid but they are not political one bit. One even admitted to getting paid. I spoke to one who admitted he didnt even vote. Spread the word. They paid them to come here from Miami and put them up in a hotel room at the Gaylord. Smh.
I came to face with one of the Blacks for Trump 2020. Paid and bought to be a fool. He didnt even vote. Said he was supporting trump because the Democrats are trying to destroy five countries in Africa. I asked him to name one. He said Syria. #Resisttrump #resiststupidpeople
I read online that trump said the lines spanned six blocks to get into the event. LIE!!! I was there since 9. Zero lines!!
SG2: There are no #BlacksForTrump. These are paid for ass clowns who the orange mop head is exploiting for a dollar. He is the epitome of EVIL.