There's an interesting article on The Daily Banter.. [View all]
Featuring Bravenak - I'm still allowed mention her right?
I know I can't re-post said article here because - well we know what will happen and the AA group gets enough alert stalking as it is......
But it's an interesting example of the privilege and arrogance of those who risked Trump and argued with twisted logic that Trump would be good for America.
Some love to ho-hum anger against third party advocates, but as we learn more about Kremlin manipulation of the electorate last year, the behavior of third party advocates, in retrospect, looks even more irresponsible and reckless.
Rather than engage in a little introspection, and ponder how they were duped by propaganda or enthusiastically spread it, they lash out at those in the crosshairs of the Trump administration who remain justifiably angry at their recklessness and divisiveness.
This tweet sums it up best.
And the article is now in General Discussion!