No Justice, No Peace, Just Crooked Police [View all]
Monique Judge
Yesterday, they told us once again that what we saw with our very own eyes is not what happened. They switched the narrative, painted another black man as an aggressor who caused his own death, and even with video evidence that directly contradicts their narrative, no cops are being charged.
A(nother) black man is dead (again), and the cop who shot him goes home to live another day and earn another check. This is what they are paid to do. and when we dare open our mouths to voice our outrage, we are told to shut up and go back to our corners.
They come up with new ways to target us with over-policing. They create labels that paint us as the villains simply because we ask for justice.
All the while, they continue to do the very thing that has us hollering in the first place.
No justice. No peace. Just crooked police.
When I read that the officers involved in the Patrick Harmon shooting would not be charged in his death, I wasnt even surprised. They always find some reason for the cop to either not be charged, face minimal punishment if they do happen to get charged and convicted, or be acquitted altogether.