Also the article shows that they are also male as gender plays a large part as well.
Besides being the son of an illiterate heroin addict, who was Freddie Gray? A CNN story attempting to answer that question made sure to note his long rap sheet before getting to a few confirming details about a brother lost to street violence and the lead poisoning he and his siblings suffered as children. It did not address the possibilities that Gray might have felt alienated, adrift, that he might have been gentle, stressed, or hungry.
Race, in combination with class, is especially powerful at removing certain kinds of people from the scope of our empathy and interest, but gender can perform the same trick. Recall the time that the New York Times covered the gang rape of an 11-year-old Texas girl by a group of teenaged boys, and reflected the wonder of residents at how their young men [could] have been drawn into such an act, also taking care to quote some neighbors fretting about how the accused boys would have to live with this for the rest of their lives. The 11-year-old girl was depicted as having invited these young men to go astray: She wore makeup and dressed older than her age. Where was her mother? some local residents wondered about another subsidiary female, whose indirect actions surely also got these boys into trouble.
It matters because it shows us all the ways in which we live in a world made for and shaped around white men. And in aggregate, when the statues are of white men, the buildings and cities and bridges and schools are named after white men, the companies are run by white men and the movie stars are white men and the television shows are about white men and the celebrated authors are white men, the only humanity that is presented as comprehensible the kind that succeeds and fails, that comprises strength and weakness, that feels love and anger and alienation and fear, that embodies nuance and contradiction, that can be heroic and villainous, abusive and gentle is the humanity of white men. The repercussions of this kind of thinking? Well, maybe they explain some of what we see on the evening news.