Nat Turner, John Africa [View all]
Tamir Rice Trayvon Martin. Racist WHITE people still at it, Micheal Brown, Freddie Gray and on and on and on and on Sandra Bland and on and on and on. And one egregious example among THOUSANDS of white hate against African-americans. And I remember Waco and white people making white people toe the line. Yet between this takedown of African-americans in 1978 and Waco, the genocide of African-americans has continued to this day.
and the minute anyone like Colin Kaepernick protests the murder, summary execution(s) of unarmed African americans, white people pull a Muhammad Ali on him. Try to hurt him in the wallet and taking away his chosen endeavour in sports. When EVERY black person in the crowd at these events, no matter the event, kneel with the playing of an anthem, that has NEVER represented the aspirations and needs of the African-american, then we will be on our way to defeating the hate of those who take privilege and entitlement for granted because of their skin color. We can't go anywhere so we better start making the people represented by our racist potus understand, we have an understanding of the evil and racist hate, in this country by trumpers and their allies from every culture and race, against African-americans and fight it I will to my dying breath.
The fear that you ALL feel at the sight of brown skin and if they don't show the proper deference toward one of the 'superior' race is obvious in this trump era. The barbecue Becky's and poolside Pauls and Paula's start their racist calls. And lord knows, don't be a black person sleeping in a common area at a major university, student Sue and Sams will start making their calls about them maybe being tired from an all-nighter studying and the dorm room being too noisy, whatever.
AmeriKa the hypocrisy has always been and I fear always will be. Even when white people take on minority status as a race in this country. In fact, I can envision their fear growing and many, many more deaths of unarmed African american men, women and CHILDREN, such as were killed in Philadelphia that day. Crushed skulls, gun butt to the head of a three-week-old baby?!!!! Shot multiple times, 10-11 bullets in a black body. That's not hating and fear? It's the only way a trumper can make people fear them, since no AA quakes at the sight of the white wannabe 'Massa'. EVER!!!!! Even a buffoon like their potus is a ridiculed fool, WORLDWIDE.