In this moving, suspenseful debut novel, three courageous women confront the complexities of trust, friendship, motherhood, and betrayal under the rule of a ruthless dictator and his brutal secret police. Former foreign correspondent Gina Wilkinson draws on her own experiences to take readers inside a haunting story of Iraq at the turn of the millennium and the impossible choices faced by families under a deadly regime.
I just finished this book this afternoon. It was pretty good. Good pacing. Three POV characters. I suspect this is just a glimpse into what it must be like to live under a brutal dictatorship. Checkpoints when travelling, where you're asked where you're going & why. Visits from authorities at any time day or night, & if you don't open your front gate quickly enough they cut the bolt & enter. Anyone in a position with knowledge of the allies will be asked to spy for the regime, sometimes being compensated, sometimes not, but always at great risk to your family & friends. The ending was good, but a little rushed.