Just finished The Bone Witch, by Rin Chupeco. I don't normally read fantasy but this one was quite good, except for the non-ending, which (obviously) wants you to buy the next book in the series. Not going to do that at the moment. This is excellent fantasy though, about a young girl undergoing training as an asha, a sort of sorcerer + geisha + healer--except she is a rarity, a Dark asha, able to deal with forces of the Dark.
Also recently finished Rose Cottage, by A.K. Madison, which is by way of being an updated and sideways version of Pride and Prejudice. I acquired this as a favor to Ms. Madison, who is by way of being an online friend of long standing. It could, I suppose, be classified as fanfic, but it's so much better written than any fanfic I've ever read. That said, I'm still not a Jane Austen fan in terms of reading her stuff. I have enjoyed movie and TV versions and even audiobooks, but I find reading the stuff just tedious. Don't ask me why.
Now reading We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler. It's seriously weird. It's a novel that passes itself off as a family memoir, about a fractured family and a girl who stopped talking in childhood. Why do books like this always win awards? This one won the Pen/Faulkner and was a Man Booker finalist. I think I might be depressed before I finish it and need a nice light romance to cleanse my mental palate.