I got a Kindle Fire as a gift - anybody use this? [View all]
There are lots of things I like about it, including that it makes it easy to read at odd times when I wouldn't normally be able to read a book - so I can get caught up on some reading that I kept putting off.
However, I think - for me anyway - it is more suited to reading fiction.
I read non-fiction with pen in hand and highlighters at the ready. I learned to do this in college and law school and relearned this method in graduate school. It is mostly, history, government, and related studies (i.e., everything under the sun) I mean, after all, what is not related to one or both of these?
Anyway, I write in the margins and the margins of the margins, use exclamation marks liberally and other symbols (stars, light bulbs, arrows, et al.0 throughout and on the footnotes and cross reference to other sections and other books, etc.
So I am having to adjust.
I hope that when Kindle updates next time they include some other highlighting/note-making functions (different colors, symbols, etc.)