Chris Hedges: The Righteous Road to Ruin (review of Haidt's book) [View all]
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The Righteous Road to Ruin
Posted on Jun 28, 2012
By Chris Hedges
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
A book by Jonathan Haidt
Jonathan Haidts book The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion trumpets yet another grand theory of evolution, this time in the form of evolutionary psychology, which purports to unravel the mystery of moral behavior. Such theories, whether in the form of dialectical materialism, Social Darwinism, biblical inherency or its more bizarre subsets of phrenology or eugenics, never hold up against the vast complexity of history, the inner workings of economic and political systems, and the intricacies of the human psyche. But simplicity has a strong appeal for those who seek order in the chaos of existence.
Haidt, although he has a refreshing disdain for the Enlightenment dream of a rational world, fares no better than other systematizers before him. He too repeatedly departs from legitimate science, including social science, into the simplification and corruption of science and scientific terms to promote a unified theory of human behavior that has no empirical basis. He is stunningly naive about power, especially corporate power, and often exhibits a disturbing indifference to the weak and oppressed. He is, in short, a Social Darwinian in analysts clothing. Haidt ignores the wisdom of all the great moral and religious writings on the ethical life, from the biblical prophets to the Egyptian Book of the Dead, to the Sermon on the Mount, to the Quran and the Bhagavad Gita, which understand that moral behavior is determined by our treatment of the weakest and most vulnerable among us. It is easy to be decent to your peers and those within your tribe. It is difficult to be decent to the oppressed and those who are branded as the enemy.
Haidt, who is the Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at New York Universitys Stern School of Business, is an heir of Herbert Spencer, who coined the term survival of the fittest and who also attempted to use evolution to explain human behavior, sociology, politics and ethics. Haidt, like Spencer, is dismissive of those he refers to as slackers, leeches, free riders, cheaters or anyone else who drinks the water rather than carries it for the group. They are parasites who should be denied social assistance in the name of fair play. The failure of liberals, Haidt writes, to embrace this elemental form of justice, which he says we are hard-wired to adopt, leaves them despised by those who are more advanced as moral human beings. He chastises liberals, whom he sees as morally underdeveloped, for going beyond the equality of rights to pursue equality of outcomes, which cannot be obtained in a capitalist system.
People should reap what they sow, he writes. People who work hard should get to keep the fruits of their labor. People who are lazy and irresponsible should suffer the consequences. ....................(more)
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