Doesn't look like recent activity with this group. Thought I'd mention recent reads [View all]
I just finished re-reading Black Prism by Brent Weeks. It was so long since I read it, the first in the Light Bringer series Id forgotten it and ended up buying it thinking it was a new book. Id read them as they came out and reading the first volume again was good. Id forgotten a lot.
Starting now on Fools Errand, the beginning of a series by Robin Hobb. Hadnt read anything by her for awhile and I always enjoyed her books. It appears to pick up after the Assassin story line. Id recently started a new Shannara series by Terry Brooks. It really hasnt grabbed me yet though. He doesnt seem to be as good as he used to be, he just churns out a lot of books. Id also been reading a series last year that I liked. Read the first 3 thinking it was a trilogy, but it left me hanging while the next book is finished. Now I cant remember the author or titles (getting old) and I must have donated the books or something because I cant find them now. I went to Barnes and Noble and scanned the Fantasy section thinking Id recognize them but didnt have any luck.