What matters is the terror
that makes the indignity
pale before
the need to cry out
in self-defense
of your body,
notwithstanding the
threat to your mind
or the threat to your
but the terror of control.
That word,
the specter of unseemliness
and the collective distaste
at the messiness
of so-called undignified
or unrespectable people;
the idea there should be self-control--
it's a lie.
When others have control
of you,
they strip that dignity and
they determine what seems
and make a new story
from the silence
of your stolen voice.
That undignified self
is a self robbed of dignity.
That unrespectable self,
is a self denied respect.
That control--
that some people have when
they shoot themselves while in handcuffs.
That control--
that some people have
when they find the strength to heave themselves up
by a bed sheet.
That control--
that some people have when they remain a threat
after ten or twenty or thirty
bullets fill their bodies.
That control--
that some people have when they
can provoke getting their body slammed
with a certain look in their eyes.
That control--
when all the education and self-determination
end up in an altercation
and a trip to a weekend
incarceration--no round trip.
That control, is a control
done unto,
and is done without respect for
your life.
And that is what matters.
And that is a situation very much out of control.