Working the Novel...Working it. [View all]
I've written two drafts of a novel, and am working the third now. I've learned things about myself that help me fine tune my own writing method.
The First draft hit 103,000 words.
Second Draft hit 104,000 words. I printed the novel, read it through, marked it up and hit a wall. I found the process of entering changes very difficult. That is the way I wrote many college papers, and a number of short stories, but they are all shorter. But reading back through a long paper document is more difficult than I imagined, especially since I deleted about 20,000 words and added about 21,000 better words.
Draft 3: Because the book drags, I made a decision to change the POV from past third to present third. I'm doing it all on the screen, reading each chapter through and making changes as I read. It is coming out much better. Eventually, before I submit, I will need to print the damn thing and read it through aging, but I am gong to delay that until I think it is 10% right on the screen.
What do you guys think?