The use of emphasis detracts from the flow. The inline links should be simple links and quotes are better than italics for references like "Thomas the Tank Engine Gets Tired". Overall, your points are well presented and in academic language accessible to most people who are interested in such things to begin with. The text is excellent. Good job. There's just too much "fluff" in the visual representation. I prefer clean text with clear indications of references and links. I'm old school. But hey, you wanted honest feedback.
I finished the Tractitus and am working on a review. Damn my German is rusty. Sorry, but I like to be thorough. It's not an easy book to review. I'd rate it at a 400 level class text. I haven't abandoned it, and actually have spent WAY too much time on it. It's a passion. I also like to get laid, so sometimes the book has to wait.
Oh, and as for Wittgenstein's work, I can honestly say he was a lunatic genius. His work was inaccessible even to Russell. Having studied symbolic logic, I found it laborious but accurate at least up through section 5. He got a little esoteric in section 6 and hence contradicted himself. You can't understand him without realizing that his life was fucked up from birth on. His dad was an authoritarian, he had three brothers commit suicide, and he wrote the Tractitus while in a prison camp. He also renounced a great deal of it in later life. People mature, and that's that. But he was also an abusive teacher after he abandoned his fortune and later in life regretted his actions. Frankly, most philosophers are pretty fucked up. You look around you and see the shadows on the wall and know you exist beyond that realm. It makes it difficult to deal with the TV addicts.