Finished new "Christmas" book, "A Christmas Castle" [View all]
Thank God it was done before election night when I shut the real farce out and submitted the fictional masterpiece it to Draft2Digital. (I should probably put this through the Marketplace??) Anyway, it officially comes out tomorrow in the shameless writers' stampede for the holidays. Another turkey leftover for Thanksgiving
In short...and it is short enough for a quick read at 21,000 words...I took an insane 'what if' satirical premise of pitting Vlad Dracul against the Christmas "miracle" challenge in the framework of Dickens' "A Christmas Carol". The brides get cable TV installed and the game is on for vampires bedeviled by unwelcome fame and daytime vulnerability. Both Renfield and Stoker have been kidnapped and "immortalized" into this misery with generations of Harkers enlisted as secretaries to finish the Count's monstrous and monstrously huge biography. Well, that was not short enough. Will P.E. Murphy achieve an inspiring ending for this horror? Profits will tell.
I ditched Amazon completely for this and will move all my Amazon titles over to this huge marketing network...eventually. The universal code for this book: which can go to Barnes and Noble or Apple, Smashwords, Kobo, Books2Read and many others, e-book or print. Some bargains if I can get the contragastrofibulated things to work.
(As for why I ditched Amazon. Lack of any real sales under their system, lack of trust if I SHOULD attain any success there anyway, and of course all the rest of the Bezos horror show.)