If I can answer them, I will.
I happen to think it's the best time ever to be a writer, because no matter what the format, more people are reading and there's never been a bigger need for content providers.
However, there's a lot of god-awful BAD content out there in the form of self-published e-books, and there's so much dreck a truly good book will have trouble getting noticed. Which is why a first-time author is still better off with a traditional publishing contract, because it's something of a seal of approval.
No matter what bitter unpublished writers will tell you, New York publishers really ARE looking for hot new voices. They aren't there to shut you out -- they're hoping to find worthwhile manuscripts, because that's how they earn their bread and butter. An agent is now an integral part of that winnowing process (unless you write romance -- there are a number of romance publishers who do take unagented manuscripts).
I know plenty of debut authors who got in the door. All it takes is a great manuscript.