Summer Olympics Poised to Have Record-Low U.S. Viewership [View all]
No major subgroup of Americans expresses high levels of interest in watching the 2024 Olympics, but there are notable differences in viewership intentions.
The largest gaps are seen by education, with 47% of postgraduates planning to tune in regularly, compared with 25% of those with a high school education or less. Those with only a bachelors degree (42%) or some college education without a bachelors degree (37%) fall between the highest and lowest educational attainment groups.
The viewing audience will be tilted toward higher-income Americans, as 44% of those with six-figure annual household incomes plan to watch, compared with 35% of those in middle-income households (with annual earnings of $40,000 to $99,999) and 28% in lower-income households.
Democrats (46%) are much more likely than Republicans (31%) and independents (31%) to say they will watch at least a fair amount of the games.
Older Americans, those aged 50 and older, are more likely to watch than those younger than 50 (42% vs. 30%). Women are slightly more likely than men to say they will tune in, 39% to 32%.,%25%20in%20lower%2Dincome%20households.