I have been ingame for more than a year and a half, I was very lucky to join due to my son, an active duty Marine, telling me about the game so I had friends I could really trust right off the bat. This plus my age, 51, made a world of difference in that I was willing to take the long view immediately.
EVE is not a game of instant gratification
it is a true virtual REALITY. Bypass the tutorials and you will be lost, the controls, how the gameplay mechanics work are so very different from the norm I cannot imagine how hard it would be. I ran every tutorial and still found getting settled in to be a challenge
but what a challenge! And FYI
if you wanted to try and skill a character up to L5 in EVERY skill available in game
it would take 28 REAL years of YOUR real life
in EVE, like in life, you have to choose and specialize.
As far as solo play goes... yes, initially you can solo EVE... but in order to really get anywhere you simply will have to accept that group play is vastly more erffective than solo play rever can be. It is much like real life in that regards also...
A taste of EVE
My small corp lives full time in a Wormhole
we have our OWN station
we have over 2 billion ISK (InterStellar Kredits) invested in the POS )Planetary Orbital Station) alone and, if we bought, instead of making our own fuel, it would cost us approx 500 million ISK a month to run
and we are a very profitable corp
The time, dedication and effort we put in to get here was ALL worth every minute spent and every ship lost on the way
but it aint for everyone.
Once again, EVE is not a game of instant gratification
EVE is a game with no end in sight, no final quest, no win
if you stay in EVE, you are in because you prefer the long haul.