and I've been re-playing now for a few days or so.
It has a very different feel away from the frustration and spinning in one spot where I got stuck in Inferno desert and decided to just leave it alone for a while. I can actually make a bit of money and collect it for better equipment. Still can't compete with the 20+ million prices, but slowly inching up to more power. Getting inferno Diablo on repeat runs reminds me of D2 a bit. which is nice
There is a new system where you can choose the difficulty of the Monster Level (up to 10 levels) more difficult the more MF and GF you get. And the change a few weeks (?) ago where you still level up after 60 for some stat improvement and MF and FG. Your real level stays at 60, the new level thing can go up to 100.
I found a juicy jewelery plan and a few odds and ends here and there and my repairs don't keep me from making some money. That may be very different in the higher Monster Levels but for now I like just dawdling around and collecting junk and stuffing my coffers.
I'm not a very competitive player so I think that is why I've been more patient than most about D3. I know I'll have this one for a long long time and can wait a bit for wrinkles to be ironed out. Plus it's not a subscription which to me means lots. For the first time ever I did sign up for a couple months of WoW, played maybe 10 days and got bored all to hell and haven't clicked it again.
I wish I had the menu most of you guys had available for some of the awesome games mentioned here. I have a Mac so I am pretty well destitute of choices in the regard. Maybe that is why I'm not willing to ditch D3 yet, too.