Neon Abyss - PS4 - Review [View all]
A saw a Splattercat video on Youtube about this game:
So I decided to give this a try and man it's a lot of fun. Very much a roguelike with meta progression that adds new things to the dungeon, this game should be played on easy until you get through buying all of the meta progression perks and deciding which you want on and which off (once purchased you can turn them on and off in between runs). Meta progression will also unlock new characters.
On individual runs, there are a few item types you can find:
Guns - There are a ton of different guns, all with different bullet types, patterns of fire, rate of fire. etc. You can only have one gun at a time but feel free to pick up new ones you see and try them out, you can always go back to the old gun as it will fall where you pick up the new one.
Badges - Badges are most often gotten from the boss at the end of a floor (though there are other ways they can drop). Badges can give a variety of bonuses to your character... Extra life containers, gun level up, gun damage, number of bullets fired, etc. None of them are bad so always grab these.
Items - There are a ton of items... Lots and lots of items. And they can do a large number of bonuses to your character. While I don't think any of them are outright bad, some can be 'not real good' for a given character build. The variety is staggering and when the right items come together in a run your character can become stupid powerful... Like really stupid powerful... It's a lot of fun
Eggs/Pets - So eggs... Eggs are found in the dungeon and will follow you automatically once picked up. They will eventually hatch into these weird little creatures (or items) that continue to follow you. Each different type of creature does something different. Some give you bonuses to your character, some will pick up items for you, some will attack enemies... And sometimes you can collect a crap load of these things following in a given run, it's hysterical. The pets have their own life and can be killed but they can also level up increasing their bonus.
Consumables - Grenades, keys, coins and crystals.
The game also has multiple paths that can be followed to different final bosses.
I'm really enjoying this game... A lot. I think even more than Binding of Isaac. It's not a new game, it's a few years old but if you like this type of game and see it on sale I highly recommend it.