"What exactly are you asking for? Rules that state if a priest hears a confession about certain actions that they must report it to authorities? Will there be a list of offenses available prior to entering the booth? I don't think what you apparently want to happen will actually happen. The guilty just wouldn't go."
Yes, that is exactly what we are asking for, and it's exactly what we have. The list of reportable offenses is in the law. Anyone can look it for themselves. Mandatory reporters are explicitly told what the reportable offenses are and what the standard of suspicion is.
The guilty sometimes do confess, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by slips.
Also (and this important), CHILDREN confess. Yes, it's true. A known fact. And it's important. I belabor this because it keeps getting ignored. Abusers often tell children that the crime is their fault. Children being children, they believe the abuser and feel guilty. So they confess to a therapist, a teacher or a priest. The fact that children confess "their" sin to priests, totally negates the argument that the guilty won't go. Because even if the abuser never confesses (which isn't true), the innocent child sometimes does. Did I mention that we actually do catch some abusers this way?