Science. But just to play with it....
There are obviously two versions which "experts" will explain away by saying they represent two separate subcultures. So we're to believe that whoever compiled the material included everything he could get his hands on to be on the safe side.
Much more fun to take them at face value. We have two gods (maybe more:place no other gods before me)with different names. The first god is sight unseen, mind. It thinks creation and everything it thinks is as perfect as it probably is. This is obviously not the world we experience. But perhaps it is the soul, which is commonly thought of as a chip off the divine block. Or Plato's patterns. Philo said that Moses out-Plato'd Plato; maybe this is what Philo meant.
Then we get to the world of the second god, but it's still a
lot better than what we experience, so is that planet earth?
Apparently not. When Cain is expelled, he wears a mark to protect him from the heathens who dwell outside Eden. He finds a city. This, finally, sounds like earth!
So, God's image would be the soul.