In reply to the discussion: Rumi and the Vision of the Qur'an [View all]AtheistCrusader
(33,982 posts)"True intellectual maturity is recognizing the limitations of human intelligence."
You do not get to define any such limitations. Our intelligence literally may not be limited, even by physical form, given our ability to create technology that does so much more than we can. We can't see ionizing radiation. People died from it before we figured it out. It is not a thing we can directly perceive (granted it is a physical property of the universe regardless) yet we conceive of ways to observe, identify, and harness it. Still can't see it with our eyeballs directly, and it doesn't matter. Our intelligence can master it quite handily.
You have no grounds to make that claim, let alone suggest there IS a limit. The only known 'limit' on human intelligence is what we have discovered so far.
And what we have discovered so far, already smaller than the current aggregate human intelligence prior to my typing that sentence. In fact, it grew in the time it took you to READ that sentence.
"Faith, of course, is the seeing."
Says you. I 'see' things with my human intellect all the time, that no human eye has ever seen. It's not even my job, or my field, I build sensors and systems for information gathering for fun.
"Wherever you turn, there is the face of God."
Meaningless platitude. If your god exists, either it will eventually be directly detected by our intellect by way of our technology, or the tool-marks of a god upon a universe that could not exist without it, will be detected. You could maybe avoid the former, but you cannot avoid the latter. Cosmology has been doing it for a long time now. If you are right, at the very least physicists/astronomers/cosmologists will prove the existence of things that simply could not exist without a supernatural creator. (Assuming our species survives long enough)
A supernatural creator might be able to hide, but if it made 'everything you turn to', it cannot hide that 'everything' WAS MADE.