"Banana Man" Ray Comfort Now Wants to Convince You God Designed Oranges [View all]
In a new video, Comfort explains why God must have designed an orange:
Have you ever thought about the fact that oranges, like bananas, have been made with a non-slip surface, just the right size and shape to fit the human hand? How each one is packaged [unintelligible] take anywhere, orange drink filled with natural sugars, vitamins minerals, and enzymes?
Of course you havent. Not if youre atheist. You probably dont even know theres a right way to open it, so you can pick up the mouth-sized, mouth-shaped pieces all coming to you courtesy of the Maker.
Needless to say, oranges have an
extensive evolutionary history, and not all of them taste delicious. If this was an attempt to draw attention away from the banana, it didnt work. Comfort should at least have the good sense of other Creationists to focus on an eyeball something far more complex instead of settling for (literally) low-hanging fruit.
You'd think he would have been embarrassed enough by his banana claims to avoid humiliating himself with another fruit failure, but then again, I've interacted with plenty of theists who seem to have no sense of shame.