What we are seeing is a new generation of people who are learning something other than the old superstitions and fables. The adults in their lives are not beating religion into their heads quite as firmly as was common at one time. As more and more adults drop away from being active in religion, they spend less time indoctrinating their offspring in the old stories and beliefs. They're less likely to drag their children to church on a weekly basis, too, so less time is spent in indoctrination there, as well.
As the old fade away and the young increase in their percentage of the population, religion is fading in its hold on people. As science continues to learn more, more is taught to young people in their schools. It becomes more and more difficult to convince youngsters that old fables and myths have more truth than the evidence that things happened in a different way.
So, if anything, those trend lines will more likely increase their current angles on the chart, accelerating the changes.
There is hope that facts will overpower myths in the not too distant future. The momentum of truth is increasing.