Why did Judas betray Jesus? [View all]
The bible tells us it was for 30 pieces of silver. OK so how much is that? It was a day's pay for a shepherd in the book of Zechariah, but that was 500 years prior. Unless there were some serious deflationary forces going on it seems reasonable it might be as much as that or perhaps less.
The next question is how much was the ministry bringing in? It safe to say these people weren't rolling in cash, but they were evidently making enough to pay the tax man. Given the numerous accounts of them giving sermons to, or healing the rich, it seems reasonable they were pulling in enough funds for general expenses. Whatever the amount was, it was enough for one of them to be treasurer.
Which is the segue into the next point.
Turns out the treasurer was Judas himself. So why not simply run off with the till? Wait till you get a good haul from healing a rich dude's dead penis or something, then take the money and run. Seems like he could have easily cleared more than 30 small.
I realize all of this is made up anyway, but you think they could have made up a better story.